The hibiscus doesn't have anything to do with anything (except maybe a TROPICal theme), but I didn't manage to get any decent photos at the workshop.
It was a good couple of days, very productive and lots of great ideas shared. Now we just need to keep the momentum.
We worked through the sheets, using a video David Thompson kindly provided, and we agreed on a few changes. People expressed some confusion over terms but I think we cleared that up by referring to the descriptor documents, and importantly by giving people some more practice. That's what I think we all need to concentrate on now - practice!
I think we agreed the best approach is the direct approach. It's good to talk at forums and staff meetings, to raise the profile of TROPIC. But I've found the best way to get teachers to agree to being observed, is to ask them directly - always emphasising of course, that it is voluntary, non-judgmental and confidential.
Another significant outcome from the workshop was a name change - keeping the acronym TROPIC, but changing the C from Classrooms to Contexts, which is much more appropriate.
Seems like SQIT and WBIT have some good plans, and we're busy here at TNQT too. We agreed at the workshop that everyone will try to get a few observations done before the end of the year, and WBIT is also focusing on sharing the micro-skills broadly. We also agreed to meet again in March when we will look at bringing two more institutes on board - possibly Mount Isa and Sunshine Coast.