I finally updated the distribution list today and sent this message to the whole network:
Hi all,
Well it’s been some time since my last message to this whole TROPIC network. Welcome to our new members from SkillsTech who trained back in June.
Even though individual institutes are busy with their own initiatives around TROPIC, I thought it would be good to maintain some communication across the whole network. So I will be sending out updates like this on a monthly basis. (Please do let me know if you would prefer to be removed from the email list).
Now includes trained Mentors at:
SkillsTech 15
Tropical North 12
Southern Qld 9
Wide Bay 12
Mount Isa 1
Product Services 1
Construction Training Qld 1
Total 51 TROPIC Mentors
Current versions of documents relating to TROPIC (eg observation sheets, descriptors, micro-skills booklet) are available to network members in the
TROPIC wiki. Please note these have been recently updated.
Now has a two-tiered format – thanks to Angela from Product Services for coming up with this framework:
Now, instead of training lots more Mentors, we have begun running one day Teacher Workshops. These cover the first block – “You the teacher”. The three day Mentor Workshops cover all three blocks. The aim now is, to link graduates of the Teacher Workshops with trained Mentors in each location.
This is a project across Wide Bay, Southern Queensland and Tropical North Institutes led by Dr Jo Balatti of James Cook Uni and funded by Product Services, Research & Strategy Unit. Leaders from each institute plan, implement and review actions around TROPIC and we all meet on a regular basis with Jo.
Our aims are to enhance the effectiveness of TROPIC in each of the participating institutes and to share our findings with each other and the broader network. The project will run until June 2009.
All documents relating to the action research project are in the
TROPIC action research wiki.
At Tropical North we ran the first one day Teacher Workshop on July 7th. Fifteen people participated with four of us facilitating. The workshop went very well and with some tweaking the next one will be even better. Participants ranged from literally their first day at TAFE with no teaching experience, to twelve years of TAFE teaching experience. It was great to have a broad range of people involved and was a fun and productive day.
All of the participants indicated they were happy to arrange observations by TROPIC Mentors and we have been following up on these.
Our next Teacher Workshop is scheduled for August 8th and we plan to continue conducting workshops on a monthly basis, with the aim of having the majority of teachers take part in them. We may then need to conduct more Mentor workshops to increase the pool of Mentors. Ultimately we want the TROPIC observation, feedback and mentoring process to be a normal everyday part of teaching culture at TNQT.
And a special note to my TNQT colleagues – although I am now full-time education manager in the Faculty for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies, I am pleased to say that Wayne has agreed I can maintain my TROPIC endeavours so together with Phil, Lyndal, Mike and hopefully support from you as well, we will be progressing the action research project and TROPIC is truly alive and well at TNQT!
Well not wanting to overload you with information, that’s it for now. It would be great to hear updates from other locations so please feel free to email to this group with your news.
I will copy and paste this email into my
blog so it’s easy to find again.
Any questions at all please contact me.
All the best everyone.
Martha Goldman Manager Education Training & InnovationTropical North Queensland TAFE, Eureka Street Cairns QLD 4870P (07) 4042 2454 E martha.goldman@deta.qld.gov.au M 0417 741 564