Thursday, April 24, 2008

action research, skillstech and reframingthefuture

Action Research

We had the action research start-up workshop last week - very productive (and exhausting). In this project, TNQT, WBIT and SQIT Leaders will each plan and implement action research projects in our respective institutes. We will also link together with leadership from Jo Balatti, to review progress and compare findings.

At the workshop we achieved a number of things:
  • clarification of TROPIC's purpose, principles and elements
  • a shared understanding of what action research is and how it works
  • some agreed measures and benchmarks for ensuring the continued quality of TROPIC
  • resolution of some identified issues, based on learnings from the TROPIC experience to date
  • agreed tasks and timeframes for the central action research team
  • a preliminary draft action research plan for SQIT and TNQT (due to exceptional circumstances WBIT Leaders were not able to attend both days and their plan will be forthcoming)

Documents pertaining to the above dot points will be available in the wiki and we will be regularly publishing updates there on the action research, to share with all interested parties.


On Tuesday I visited SkillsTech with Peter and Angela. We met with Mary Campbell, Sue Forsayth, Pam Blowers and Tracey Hart. It was agreed that we will train a group of Mentors in June, drawing some of these from a pool of retired teachers or those transitioning to retirement. This will solve the problem of time allocation for doing observations and engaging in mentoring activities. These teachers will add to the small pool already created by the training conducted in February (Simon, John, John and Farid).

Then in August we will implement the one day training currently in development. When that's done, those teachers will have a team of Mentors to call on.

Reframing the Future

I was successful in my application for a Change Agent project with Reframing the Future. This will be about my work with SkillsTech and I believe will also help me develop some skills that I can definitely apply in other realms. Exciting times ahead!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

growth, marketing and action research

A lot has happened in the last month or so.

We are about to embark on an action research project that will be led by Jo Balatti and will involve the TROPIC Leaders from TNQT, WBIT and SQIT. Our first meeting is scheduled for the end of next week. The main aims of the project are to enhance the effectiveness of TROPIC in the 3 institutes, and to build the Leadership team's skills in organisational change, evaluation and action research.

Week after next Peter and I are meeting with SkillsTech management to plan implementation of TROPIC there. We should know by the end of the month if we are successful with our Reframing the Future proposals - but I guess we will proceed regardless. They are talking about training 140 teachers this year!

Last week I attended the regional institutes directors forum in Mackay with Jo Pyne. I gave a presentation about TROPIC and asked for discussion about some possible models Jason had drafted, for commercialisation. We agreed that I will link in with the regional institutes PD network chaired by John Elich. The overall aim being (as I understand it) revenue for TNQT in the short to medium term and long-term buy-in from the regional institutes with a goal of building capacity to implement TROPIC across the Queensland VET system. Peter's area will continue to support continuous improvement of the program through the action research project and formalisation of the training program.

Angela has been working on a framework for the program which 'chunks' the training and provides more capacity for current or future Leaders to conduct the training. We're not looking at accreditation but possibly at recognition. What I'd like to see is different levels of benchmarks set for network members, Mentors and Leaders/Facilitators.

Phil and I have had some discussions about promoting more TROPIC activity within TNQT. We have scheduled a lunch meeting next Monday and Phil has invited Mentors to observe his teaching sessions with the School Tech students the following day.

And linking all these elements together, Jason has drafted a strategic plan. Next step is to get together with Jo to discuss before presenting it to other stakeholders.

I'll try to remember to update more frequently.