Friday, November 23, 2007

another november update

On Monday I presented at Reframing the Future New Ways of Working in VET forum. Not a huge audience but people did seem pretty interested. I was approached by Paul who is one of the Teach Your Trade graduates. He said that cohort would be very interested in TROPIC as they feel they need the support and also are undertaking the Diploma TAA and networking is a requirement for that.
BRIT has expressed interest in TROPIC and I've also had an invitation to present at VeMentoring in March.
Met by teleconference with the Leaders yesterday and things are moving along with some activity in each institute.
David is presenting at Home Grown Innovations in VET in Brisbane on December 4th. He came up with the idea of including some video testimonials in the presentation and we agreed it would be good to build up a bank of these.
I did an observation with MF last week.
Leaders and I are meeting again in a fortnight and will discuss who's facilitating what at the training session in February.
In the meantime we're planning some more for the Learning & Skilling Day presentation.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November update

Phil and Jen are now TNQT Leaders. They've come up with some great ideas, like getting Michael involved in a role play presentation of the micro-skills at the Learning & Skilling Day in January.

Our main focus now is on recruiting and getting ready for the training in February.

One of the activities we did at the mini-conference was a network mapping exercise. Each individual mapped the relationships they need to maintain, strengthen or establish to promote TROPIC activity.

A couple of weeks ago I gave a brief presentation at the OctoberVET forum in Brisbane. It was basically a repeat of the AVETRA presentation - the evaluation of TROPIC. Two people from SkillsTech approached me and said they want to do the training, and Denise from Wide Bay said they would like to send someone from Gympie. At our Leaders' teleconference last week David said someone has already approached him. So we're basically going to use word of mouth to promote.

Next week I'm giving a presentation at the Reframing the Future forum in Brisbane.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


The mini-conference went extremely well I thought. First of all the Leaders (Bob, Gillian and David S) met with me on the Wednesday and we did some productive planning around our next training session - confirmed as February 25-27.
Then the mini-conference on the Thursday and Friday. About 20 TROPIC Mentors attended. We had a session from Laurie Kelly with loads of useful stuff for teaching and learning - understanding learning styles, left brain - right brain, global learners, teaching to multiple intelligences, change of state, brain gym. Then Jeannie gave us a great session on understanding anxiety which ended with hands down the best relaxation session I've ever had. Later on conference dinner with John Moodie talking about leadership. Friday morning Mark Davidson gave us a session on tips and trends which I think really reinforced understanding of the teaching strategies on the observation sheets for everyone. And before lunch we managed to pack in a network mapping session. I have posted some photos on flickr. (Just opened an account so I hope I've linked to it correctly).

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

October update

Well time got away from me and I never even posted in September. It was a busy month which for me ended with a brief and wonderful holiday at Wallaby Creek with my family - shots above of son Isaac at the magnificent waterfall and me and kids at the lighthouse on top of Grassy Hill in Cooktown.

It hasn't all been fun and play for me though - we do now have a policy document and a set of criteria for Mentors and Leaders in TROPIC (many thanks to Neva for her support in putting those together, and to Deb F as well). These documents can be viewed in the wiki.

We decided not to run a training session in November but to leave it until January - still need to confirm dates. Will be meeting up with the Leaders on October 10th (next week!) to plan this - followed by the TROPIC mini-conference which is going to be a great event. Deb F in particular has put in a mammoth effort organising it. Laurie Kelly and two of his compatriots will be running workshops and Mark Davidson is also going to do his 'tips and trends' presentation. I'm going to run a session on the TROPIC network, following on from an activity we did at the Reframing the Future workshop in Sydney a couple of weeks ago - which leads me to putting in one more photo, from the mini-holiday I built around attending that workshop:

Friday, August 10, 2007

August update

Got together with the Leaders and Peter and Deb last week and we worked through a lot of stuff. Now that the program is expanding we need to formalise some things, like criteria for Mentors and Leaders and an application process. I need to draft a policy.

We agreed that the next training will be in Brisbane November 7-9 and we will recruit participants from the existing institutes as well as approaching BRIT and CQIT (fill in the big gap on the map).

We need to revise the training somewhat as it will be all 4 of us this time without Neva and so we are going to plan via VC, tele and email as well as meeting F2F on October 10th, just prior to the TROPIC mini-conference.

Friday, July 13, 2007

July update

All 3 training sessions have now happened - Cairns, Wide Bay and Toowoomba. Went very well I feel and we now have the flow working and the integration of the different components. I've learned heaps, especially about coaching and mentoring, and the dynamics of working with different groups and different facilitators.

Lots to think about now in terms of the next steps at operational and strategic levels and keeping strong communication going with all stakeholders. Also need to progress the Reframing the Future side of things - as well as the rest of my job at TNQT!! Fun times ahead.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Getting ready for training

Had a good meeting week before last with Gillian, Bob, David and David and I think we're pretty well set now for the training. We had a session with Neva and we're well on track for integrating the coaching and mentoring framework.

Norie is giving me a hand to put together a visual display about "the story of TROPIC" which we can put on the wall during the training, so that participants can see where it's come from and where it's going.

Now have about 11 participants for the training in Cairns. Things are looking good.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

May update

Attended the Reframing the Future forum in Sydney May 18 and stayed on for the weekend - unbelievably beautiful weather, even went for a swim at Bondi.
The forum was good - lots of good contacts, interesting projects and deep thinking about networks. Now I just need to integrate that thinking and the focus on the RTF project, with what we already have underway with TROPIC.
Have tried the new observation sheets (amended by Michael in TAFE Tasmania) with a video and then with Sarah-Jane's class and Colleen's chat session. The sheets work well, a big improvement I think but a few minor changes needed.
This afternoon I'm off to Brisbane to meet up with Bob, Gillian, David and David to plan the training and discuss a few other things including the RTF action plan. A lot of discussion to fit into a tight timeframe. Then tomorrow we have our workshop with Neva.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Mary and Sarah-Jane ran a micro-skills session on Monday afternoon. About 12 teachers participated and all seemed to get a lot out of it. I liked the 'high five' idea (I'll pinch that one) - thumb representing 'be positive', then fingers: 'no blame' (one finger pointing at you means 3 fingers pointing back at me), 'don't be rude', 'commitment' and 'look after the little fella'. Similar to the one Phil from Outdoor Rec showed me but a slightly different slant, and drawing it up on the board was useful.

Getting each person in the group to give a brief description and demo of each skill worked well, then role plays were a lot of fun. Lots of good useful discussion too.

The other thing I wanted to mention was an article I read in the Weekend Australian, about the potentially negative effects of praise. The gist of it was, praising kids for being 'smart' has been shown to negatively affect their learning because they then tend to not make the effort when things get difficult. They can become 'addicted' to praise and reluctant to make mistakes. On the other hand, praising kids for effort or for specific things they do has been shown to positively affect their learning. Relates strongly to Descriptive Encouraging and shows we should do lots of it - works for adults too!

Today I gave a presentation based on the one I gave at AVETRA. Five people showed up, which is not too bad. Good chance to update a few interested people on what has been happening.

Friday, April 20, 2007

April update

Things seem to be moving pretty quickly now. Had a Leaders teleconference yesterday where we firmed up a few things:
  • next Leaders teleconference May 10th at 4:30 - we will be communicating by email in the meantime
  • Leaders workshop May 31-June 1 (meet on Thursday in Brisbane at time and venue tbc; all day with Neva at OLI on Friday)
  • training sessions: TNQT June 25-27; WBIT July 4-6; SQIT July 9-11 - we talked about the value of the other Leaders coming to Cairns to assist/observe/evaluate the training
  • videos - a good cross-section of sessions available (I do still need to line something up in Cairns - maybe Mary?)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

AVETRA conference

The AVETRA conference was great - international perspectives on VET, some interesting presentations on professional development, organisational capability, VET history, amongst other things - and being in fascinating Footscray. Vietnamese restaurants, Filipino grocery stores, African cafes - so many different languages, so many people, Africans nearly 7 feet tall, Vietnamese, Chinese, Italian, people milling around shopping, eating, talking.

The presentation at the conference went well - only about 6 people there but they were interested. I have posted the paper on the wiki.

Met Susanne from CIT who gave a presentation on their comprehensive evaluation of a mentoring program they ran there. She kindly offered to send me their documentation and bits and pieces - will be very useful.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

the importance of learning slowly

This link courtesy of Stephen Downes' OLDaily: - it's a review of a book by a German psychiatrist about how "the brain is based on vector algebra rather than numerical computations". I'm not sure my own neural pathways are up to understanding it fully but I like the sound of it. Worth a read.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

March workshop

We had a very productive couple of days in Brisbane at the end of last month. I'll post the minutes in the wiki (which I'm going to tidy up when I get a chance). The main outcomes:
  • a clearer shared understanding of our aims - these are outlined in some powerpoint slides Peter put together with help from Carmen and Deb - which I will also post on the wiki
  • agreement to build a more explicit focus on coaching and mentoring
  • some valuable training from Neva in coaching and mentoring skills
  • plans for consolidation across the 3 institutes before further expansion
  • dates for training sessions in each of the 3 institutes, with a target of 10 additional TROPIC Mentors in each (June 25-27 in Cairns; July 4-6 in Hervey Bay -tbc- and July 9-11 in Toowoomba)
  • plans for a 'teaching and learning conference' in October
  • TROPIC Leaders to teleconference fortnightly - Neva will join us to provide high level coaching to us, and the 5 of us will meet face-to-face in late May to plan the training sessions

Tasmania sent me their amended versions of the observation sheets and microskills which I will also post on the wiki and ask members to comment by May 18.

This week I am going to the AVETRA conference in Melbourne where I will give a presentation about the TROPIC evaluation.

Monday, March 12, 2007

establishing expectations

Just ran a micro-skills session with the new TAA group. It was fun - started with the ball game icebreaker I learned from Kim and it went well.

I love the way nearly every discussion leads to some new learning. While we were talking about 'establishing expectations', Linda gave an example of how deliberately changing her attitude towards and perceptions of a co-worker (in other words her expectations), greatly changed her relationship with that worker for the better. I had never thought of that aspect of establishing expectations before, and it's an important point - it's about seeing the potential in every student and expecting the best of them. It's about managing our own expectations, not just managing our students.

Monday, March 05, 2007

TROPIC in Tasmania

The TROPIC training session in Launceston was an interesting and challenging experience. The biggest learning for me: always consult thoroughly before running a workshop, and never assume anything! The assumption I made was that all of the participants would be teachers - instead there was a mix of senior managers, counsellors, learning support and teachers. A great mix in terms of initiating a program like TROPIC and moving it forward. But a big challenge in terms of running the sessions, especially when I wasn't expecting it. I'm hopeful though that the time spent was worthwhile and that some positive effects will come from it. I will certainly be interested to see what develops there.

Some other learnings and reflections, in random order:
  • TAFE Tasmania is very different from TAFE Queensland - it's more compact and cohesive as a system, and there appear to be some great initiatives around teaching and learning, which I'd like to find out more about.
  • The role plays for observation and feedback worked well - will definitely make use of them again, and time it so the "teachers" have time to plan ahead.
  • Timing is still an issue - feedback indicated some participants felt aspects were rushed, while others felt the time taken was too long. Having better videos will help (and suitable technology for viewing!)
  • Need a graphic representation of the micro-skills as hierarchical (ie make it very clear up front that give choice, follow through are done as a last resort).
  • Some food for thought in terms of our goals and aims - there was a lot of discussion about how to ensure positive change occurs as a result of the observation and feedback process. I guess the way Mark Davidson has approached this in schools, is to work towards everyone in the school having awareness of the strategies and the language used to describe them (even the dreaded 'cueing with parallel acknowledgment'!). That is where the data collection comes in - within a school, or across similar schools, you can see patterns and track changes over time, and that can be quite powerful in terms of bringing about change.

I look forward to meeting with the Queensland cohort at the end of this month to talk through these and other learnings and their implications for us. It will be great to catch up with everyone again, and we've got a lot of planning to do.

Other than that - it was great to have the opportunity to visit Launceston. A very pretty town with a great variety of restaurants and cafes, and the beautiful Cataract Gorge right on the edge of the CBD.

Monday, January 15, 2007

TROPIC 2007!!!

This year is going to be great for TROPIC!

I'm back at work refreshed from 3 weeks in Brisbane. My partner Brett and I got married (I figured everyone should do it once anyway) and we took the kids on a world tour (that's White Water World, with Dream World in the background).

Plans for this year are:

  • train TAFE teachers in Tasmania
  • workshop for the TAFE QLD group in March, where we'll decide:
  • new leaders
  • training for the next cohort of mentors (probably mid-year some time)

And we'll see what happens from there.