Tuesday, February 08, 2005

2005 first update

First of all, came across this article in OLDaily: http://www.newhorizons.org/neuro/caine.htm - about learning and the brain. This is the kind of stuff I think we should be focusing on - how learning occurs.

I'm working on an application for a New Practices project - applying TROPIC principles to e-learning. The idea is to form a community of practice to try out a tool and method based on TROPIC, to online teaching; then as a group to discuss and analyse and explore over a period of time, gradually refining and improving the tool and method. The outcome would be a case study and a transferrable tool and method for structured peer observation and mentoring in e-learning.

Met with John last week and discussed a database for collating TROPIC information.

Douglas and I have planned a workshop on micro-skills and TROPIC, to be held with the Access Unit this Friday.

Hopefully I will be meeting with Colleen tomorrow to talk about how the proposed New Practices project might link with her TAA project - looking especially at the e-learning competencies in the Cert IV and Diploma.

And, there's a meeting with the team planned for Friday week. Peter from PPU might be visiting early next month - and my role has been formalised to an extent, meaning real management support for TROPIC and for educational quality and innovation. Good news.

1 comment:

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Hi Martha

It has been awhile since I checked out your blog and it is good to see you have been faithfully busy at posting comments. I am finding it is a useful tool for keeping track of stray thoughts and ideas - and a way of referring to them easily. The photos of TI are great - must add some from Bamaga to my site - it really is a different world on the Cape, isn't it.

The e-learning idea sounds wonderful - keep me posted!

Must let you know how the web conferencing/VC model with the Cert II students goes too - it would fit in here, I think.
See you soon :-)