Thursday, February 24, 2005

TROPIC training

Had a talk with Robin this morning about her plans of offering mentoring for new teachers around health and maintaining balance. This is something she's proposing as part of her LVT duties. She was thinking of proposing TROPIC training as part of her PD.

I feel that because we are moving in quite a different direction from Mark, that we're better off training our own people rather than sending any more to him. There's so much translation involved, and the current team has already invested a lot of energy in that. On the other hand I feel we're still a pretty long way off from having our own training program.

I guess another point is, we're not exactly inundated with requests for profiling now. Getting more people involved helps to spread the culture - but I think we're better off doing that by running more micro-skills sessions.

On that topic, Robin pointed out that she and Colleen have a lot to offer in terms of innovative facilitation techniques. I'm going to profile Colleen next week so will probably pick up on some of that - which could be incorporated into the revised micro-skills I'm thinking of.

We really need to get all of that basic stuff right before we can think about a fully-fledged training course.

We also need to think about some form of quality control. I don't think we need a two week course, but we don't want to be slap-dash about it either. Things for the team to consider.

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